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A  Little  Bit

A traveller by heart, I have wandered around the world, I have been to the depths of the Oceans, to the tops of Mountains,  East to West, and North to South, always looking for the next adventure. 
Through these travels, I have become more atuned with the Universe around me, I have learnt that we are not in Nature, but are a part of it.  I studied, the healing art of Reiki, and have become a Reiki master, and Teacher.  But, seeking more I also pursued the ways of the Shaman, through native teachers, and also a Mayan Shaman. 

Always searching for more wisdom, and understanding in this beautiful world I continue to ever be the student.  I have always had an understanding that there is more to this world that what the mind lets us see. 

In Venice Italy, there was a profession called a Codega-- This was a person that a traveller would hire, to walk in front of them at night escorting them with a lit lantern through the streets, showing them the way, warding off thieves ghosts and demons.  Bringing you confidence and protection in your journey.  He was a professional guide and a storyteller, the Codega would stay with you until you were safe inside.  As I will help guide you on your lifes journey dispelling any illusion or fear that's before you. 


The Indalo (Messenger of the Gods) is a prehistoric magical symbol, which dates back to 2500BC.  Found in the cave of "Los Letreros" in Sierra de María-Los Vélez Natural Park in Vélez Blanco, Spain. .  Legend has it that the Indalo was a ghost that could hold and carry a rainbow in his hands.  Because of this is was said that the rainbow was a bridge between Heaven and Earth, and that the Indalo was the go-between, between God and man.  The symbol has presented itself to me 3 times, the first in a sweatlodge, from Spirit, I had never seen it before, and drew it in the dirt asking the Elder, but they did not know either, it wasn't until months later that I stumbled upon it in a book of ancient symbols that I had a eureka moment and recognized, after that it appeared inside a rock, and again in the sweatlodge.  Because of this, I had the symbol marked upon my arm, and also use the energy from it.

© 2014 by Codega Guiding Light

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